Java 1.4 or later | SQLUnit is written using Java 1.4_02, so you will need to install the JRE if you are just going to use it, or the JDK if you are going to do development with it. | Proprietary but free for download and use | | Yes | No |
Ant 1.6 or later | Ant is used to build the SQLUnit package. An ant task is provided to run SQLUnit from within Ant. | Apache License | | Yes, although you can also just call it from the command line with java. | No |
JUnit 3.7 or later | SQLUnit is really a specialized JUnit test class. It is needed to run SQLUnit. | Common Public License Version 1.0 | | Yes | Yes |
JDOM 1.0 or later | SQLUnit uses JDOM to do its XML parsing and rendering. | Apache License | | Yes | Yes |
Apache Log4J 1.2.8 or higher | This is used for logging in SQLUnit. | Apache License | | Yes | Yes |
Apache Xerces-J 1.4.4 | Used by Canoo WebTest | | Yes | Yes | |
MockRunner 0.2.7 | SQLUnit uses this to set up and run a set of Mock tests against a Mock database that consists of method calls which are introspected. | Apache style license | | No. This is only needed if you want to run the mock test suite to make sure everything worked. | Yes |
Apache Commons-Lang | Used by MockRunner | Apache License | | No, see above. | Yes |
XDoclet 1.2.1 | SQLUnit uses XDoclet to convert source code annotations into Docbook XML which is then included in this document. | BSD License | | No, only needed to generate the documentation. | No |
Apache Jalopy 0.6.2 | SQLUnit uses Jalopy to provide a guide for coding conventions used in SQLUnit. Contributed code typically passes through Jalopy to get reformatted before inclusion. | BSD License | | No, only needed to reformat contributed code before submission. | No |
Apache Checkstyle 3.4 | SQLUnit uses CheckStyle to audit code style on an ongoing basis. The checks that have been configured are a union of the sun_checks.xml and BlochEffectiveJava.xml files supplied with the distribution. Some checks have been relaxed or eliminated where it did not match the coding style for SQLUnit. | LGPL | | Yes, if you plan on making code contributions. | No |
JavaCC 3.2 | SQLUnit uses JavaCC to generate a parser for include files based on the grammar specified in the IncludeFileParser.jj. | BSD License | | Yes | Yes |
Apache Commons JEXL 1.0 | SQLUnit uses JEXL as the Expression parser and evaluator for its ExpressionMatcher matcher. | Apache License | | Yes | Yes |
Apache Commons Logging 1.0 | JEXL needs Apache Logging as a runtime dependency. | Apache License | | Yes | Yes |