SQLUnit Tags

List of currently supported tags

The XML Tags that make up a SQLUnit test specification are described below.

The sqlunit Tag


The root tag for an SQLUnit test specification.


sqlunit ::= ((connection)+, (setup)*, (test | batchtest | diff | echo | func)+, (teardown)*)

Parent Elements

None. This is the top level element.

Nested Elements

Table 1. Nested Elements for sqlunit

connection Specifies one or more database Connections that need to be instantiated for the test to run. Yes, one or more.
setup Specifies any setup tasks that need to happen before all the tests in the suite are run. No
test Specifies a test that needs to run in this suite. Either one or more of test, batchtest, diff, echo or func
batchtest Specifies a test that uses the JDBC batching functionality. Either one or more of test, batchtest, diff, echo or func
diff Specifies a test that compares the results generated by two SQL or stored procedure calls Either one or more of test, batchtest, diff, echo or func
echo Echoes a string after substitution to the log. Either one or more of test, batchtest, diff, echo or func
func Populates a single value returned from a stored procedure or SQL call into the SymbolTable, identified by function name Either one or more of test, batchtest, diff, echo or func
teardown Specifies any tasks that need to happen after all the tests in the suite are run No

The setup Tag


The setup tag specifies operations that need to be carried out once before all the tests defined in the XML file. Typical tasks may include dropping and recreating the test database and tables, or deleting and inserting test data into the tables. A setup operation can be specified either by zero or more nested sql tags or by zero or more nested include tag which specify an external file containing the setup SQL to execute. It can also contain set tags to setup variables to be used later for the test, or foreach tags which can be used to execute a single SQL multiple times, such as insert SQL statements.


setup ::= ((set)*, (((sql)*, (foreach)*) | (include)*))

Nested Elements

Table 2. Nested Elements for setup

set Sets initial values for SQLUnit variables. No
funcdef Defines a SQL or stored procedure call that can be used like a function call (single string result). No
subdef Defines the structure of a SQL or stored procedure call. Values of parameters can be supplied or overriden in the actual sub call. No
sql Specifies the SQL statement to be executed with or without replaceable parameters. No
foreach Contains bulk SQL statements, such as inserts which are executed within the foreach tag. No
include Specifies an external file which contains the SQL statements to execute during the setup phase. No


A simple setup to delete rows from a table

   <sql><stmt>delete from foo where 1=1</stmt></sql>

The skip Tag


The skip tag is used to indicate to SQLUnit that this test should be skipped.


skip ::= (BODY)


Table 3. Attributes for skip

value If set to true, then the test will be skipped No, default is false

The struct Tag


The struct tag is used to describe a user-defined data type (UDT) object returned as a STRUCT type. The UDT and Java Class must be specified in a typedef tag. The returned object is treated as a JavaBean, and the fields are the bean properties. Contained fields MUST be given in alphabetical order by name, case-insensitive.


struct ::= (field)*


Table 4. Attributes for struct

name name of the field (bean property) Yes

Nested Elements

Table 5. Nested Elements for struct

field A field (bean property) of the returned object. Zero or more


Returning UDTs as STRUCTs.

 <outparam id="1" type="STRUCT">
     <field name="description">Red rubber ball</field>
     <field name="size">30</field>

The subparam Tag


The param tag is used to specify an argument to a SQL statement or stored procedure, or aggregated into a set of paramset tags for batch calls. The body of the tag contains the value of the parameter.


subparam ::= (BODY)


Table 6. Attributes for subparam

id Specifies the sequence number of the parameter to be replaced. The sequence is one-based to keep parity with the JDBC specification. Yes
name Specifies the name of the parameter to be replaced. This has been added for readability to help stored procedure authors/testers to spot errors quickly. No
type Specifies the type of the parameter to be replaced. The type is a String, and has a one to one mapping to the datatypes defined in java.sql.Types. It also allows some additional Oracle specific types specified in net.sourceforge.sqlunit.OracleExtensionTypes. The value of the type is the same as the field name of the member variables in Types or OracleExtensionTypes classes. Thus if the type is Integer, the corresponding SQL type is java.sql.Type.INTEGER, and the string value that should be used here is INTEGER. Yes
is-null If set to true, indicates that this parameter is an SQL NULL value. Valid values are true or false. No, default is false.
inout Specifies whether the parameter is an IN, OUT or INOUT parameter. Valid values are in, out and inout respectively. No, default is in.


A simple param tag definition

 <param id="1" name="v1" type="INTEGER">1</param>

The batchresult Tag


The batchresult element specifies the expected result from running either the statements specified in a batchsql or batchcall tag


batchresult ::= ((updatecount)*)


Table 7. Attributes for batchresult

expected-count Specifies the number of rows expected to be updated as a result of executing the batchsql or batchcall element. If the expected-count is specified, then the number of updatecount elements will not be counted for determining the test's success No
failed-at Specifies which statement in the batch is expected to fail when running the test. The index is zero-based No

Nested Elements

Table 8. Nested Elements for batchresult

updatecount Specifies in the body of the element the number of rows expected to be modified by the SQL at the corresponding position (zero-based) in the batch Yes, unless either or both expected-count and failed-at are specified


A typical batchresult element


The call Tag


The call tag is used to describe a call to a stored procedure or function. A stored procedure differs from a standard SQL call in that it can return multiple result sets in a single result. Not all databases support this functionality in the same way. Stored procedures are called within Java code using the standard call syntax that looks like {call [?=]stored_procedure_name([?,...])}. This is also the way it should be specified to SQLUnit. SQLUnit uses the CallableStatement to execute this call


call ::= (stmt, (param)*)


Table 9. Attributes for call

id An internal id for the stored procedure call No
connection-id Used to specify a particular connection when multiple Connections are specified in a given test. If not specified, SQLUnit will try to use the default Connection, if one exists No

Nested Elements

Table 10. Nested Elements for call

stmt Specifies the actual stored procedure call in JDBC format described above in the body of this element Yes
param A param element specifies a single replaceable parameter specified for the stored procedure call. Zero or more


Call to Stored Procedure dept_id=AddDept(dept_name)

   <stmt>{? = call AddDept(?)}</stmt>
   <param id="1" type="INTEGER" inout="out">${deptId}</param>
   <param id="2" type="VARCHAR">Information Technology</param>

The set Tag


The set tag allows declarations of variable names and associating them with values within the context of a single SQLUnit run. SQLUnit stores these variables and their values in an internal symbol table. Variables need not be pre-declared in order to be used. A variable is usually created in the symbol table by being assigned the appropriate value based on context, the first time it is referenced in the XML file. Subsequent references to the variable will return the value of the variable.


set ::= ((sql|call),result)?|(constructoryArgs*,methodArgs*)?


Table 11. Attributes for set

name Specifies the name of the SQLUnit variable. A variable must always be specified like ${varname}. Attempts to specify variables like varname or $varname will result in syntax error. Yes
value Specifies the initial value of the variable. The value must be specified. In cases where you do not know the value, you can initialize it with a default value, or not invoke the set tag to declare the variable. When the variable is first encountered in SQLUnit, it will implicitly create an entry for that variable in the symbol table. Not required if nested elements are specified.
static Specifies whether the method call is static. Valid values are true and false. Required if the class and method attributes are also supplied
class Specifies the class name whose method has to be invoked to populate the variable Only required if the method attribute is also supplied
method Specifies the method name in the specified class to invoke. Only required if the class attribute is supplied

Nested Elements

Table 12. Nested Elements for set

sql Specifies a SQL statement to invoke which will populate the variables in the result. Only required if there is no value attribute in the set tag. A call tag can also be specified here instead.
call Specifies a stored procedure call to invoke which will populate the variables in the result. Only required if there is no value attribute in the set tag. A sql tag can also be specified instead.
result Specifies a result tag with variables in the col tag body. The variables will be populated from the values returned by the SQL or stored procedure call. Only required if there is either a sql or a call tag.
constructorArgs Specifies arguments to a constructor of a non-static method if that is being used to populate the variable to set. Only required if we want to invoke a non-static method
methodArgs Specifies arguments to the method to be executed to populate the variable to be set Required if we want to invoke a method to set the variable


Setting a variable ${var} to 14

 <set name="${var}" value="14" /> 

Setting variable ${myquery.col1} from SQL

 <set name="${myquery}">
   <sql><stmt>select col1 from mytable where col2=45</stmt></sql>
     <resultset id="1">
       <row id="1">
         <col id="1" name="c1" type="INTEGER">${col1}</col>

Setting variable ${var} from a method call return

 <set name="${var}" class="java.lang.System" static="true"
     <arg name="key" type="java.lang.String"
     value="property" />

The classifiers Tag


Provides the caller with the ability to classify and/or group tests by a given criteria. When the test is executed, the caller can pass to it some properties and the handler decides whether the test matches them. If the test matches it is executed, and if not, it is skipped and reported as skipped.


classifiers ::= ((severity)?, (category)?)


An example of a classifiers tag

 <test name="Find Agent by Id test"
     failure-message="Find Agent by Id test failed">
   <sql connection-id="mysql">

The jndi Tag


A wrapper tag to group together JNDI properties that are needed to instantiate an InitialContext for the JNDI DataSource lookup.


jndi ::= ((arg)*)

Nested Elements

Table 13. Nested Elements for jndi

arg A tag that specifies the name and value of a single JNDI property. One or more arg elements are required.


A typical JNDI tag for getting a DataSource from JBoss

     <arg name="java.naming.factory.initial"
       value="org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory" />
     <arg name="java.naming.provider.url" 
       value="jnlp://localhost:1099" />
     <arg name="java.naming.factory.url.pkgs" 
       value="org.jboss.naming" />

The methodinvoker Tag


The methodinvoker tag allows the caller to invoke methods in Java code and check to see if they complete without exception. These methods are generally, but need not be, JDBC specific. Any objects that are returned from the methods are ignored. The tag only verifies that the method ran successfully, and if not, it threw an expected exception.


methodinvoker ::= ((constructorArgs)*, (methodArgs)*)


Table 14. Attributes for methodinvoker

static If set to true, specifies that the method being invoked is static. Valid values are true and false. No, default is false.
class Specifies the full class name of the class in which the method is defined. Yes
method Specifies the method name to invoke. Yes

Nested Elements

Table 15. Nested Elements for methodinvoker

constructorArgs Wraps a set of arg elements which specify the arguments, if any, that the constructor will need. Not required for static methods, or if the class has a default no-args constructor.
methodArgs Wraps a set of arg elements which specify the arguments, if any, that the method will need. Not required if the method takes no arguments.


A simple methodinvoker tag without method arguments

 <methodinvoker class="net.sourceforge.sqlunit.utils.TestArgument"
     method="toString" >
     <arg name="c7" type="java.lang.Double.TYPE" value="0.2" />

The teardown Tag


The teardown tag specifies SQL operations that need to be carried out after all the tests in the XML file are done. If SQLUnit detects a test failure, it will skip the remaining tests and invoke the teardown operations before exiting. Typical tasks include dropping the test database or deleting data from test tables.


teardown ::= (((sql)*, (foreach)*) | (include)*)

Nested Elements

Table 16. Nested Elements for teardown

sql Specifies the SQL statements to be executed, with or without replaceable parameters, that should executed on teardown. No
foreach Contains bulk SQL statements such as SQL DELETE statements, which will be executed from within a foreach tag. No
include Specifies an external file which contains the SQL statements to be executed on teardown. No


Dropping some test tables on teardown

   <sql><stmt>drop table testdata</stmt></sql>
   <sql><stmt>drop table testdata2</stmt></sql>

The foreach Tag


The foreach tag allows for simple bulk substitution by replacing a named parameter in a SQL statement with values from a supplied list or values generated by incrementing a counter. The syntax is similar to FOR and FOREACH statements found in most programming languages.


foreach ::= ((sql)*)


Table 17. Attributes for foreach

param The name of the parameter that will be substituted in the SQL statement. For example, if the param is id, then all occurences of ${id} will be substituted by the current value of id. Yes
values A comma-separated list of values for the id. A value set can be specified within each element in the list. The elements of the set are separated with semi-colons. They are referred to later in the scope of the foreach tag as value_of_param.index. The index is 0-based. No, either this or (start,stop,(step)) or (start,count,(step)) may be specified
start Specifies the starting value of the sequence of values for the param No, values can be specified instead. If neither is specified, then start defaults to 0.
stop The ending value of the sequence of values for param No, count can be specified instead.
step The increment if a sequence is specified with start and stop No, defaults to 1.
count The number of entries in the sequence specified by start and stop. No, stop can be specified instead.

Nested Elements

Table 18. Nested Elements for foreach

sql Contains a single SQL statement with placeholders for param which will be executed in a loop specified by the foreach attributes. The replaceable placeholder(s) should be specified as ${id}. Yes


A foreach used to prepare test data

   <sql><stmt>delete from foreachtest where 1=1</stmt></sql>
   <foreach param="id" start="0" stop="10" step="1">
     <sql>       <stmt>insert into foreachtest (id,name) values (${id},'name${id}')</stmt>

The connection Tag


Supplies information for the SQLUnit test harness to connect to the underlying database containing the stored procedures to be tested. Connections can be built using JDBC or from a DataSource object looked up through JNDI. Connections can also be specified using file URLs. Multiple connection tags can be specified if more than one Connection is needed for a single SQLUnit test suite.


connection ::= (((driver, url, user, password, (jarfile-url)?) | (datasource, jndi))?)


Table 19. Attributes for connection

connection-id When multiple Connections are defined in a SQLUnit test, this attribute refers to a Connection to use for running this call by its connection-id. If not specified, SQLUnit will try to look up the default Connection which has no connection-id attribute defined. No, default Connection is used if not supplied
extern If specified, the value of this attribute points to a Java properties file which contains the information necessary to build the Connection. The file can be specified without path information if it can be found in the caller's CLASSPATH or specified as a relative path, as well as an absolute path on the file system. A sample properties file can be found in /cvs/test/postgresql/sqlunit.properties. No
transaction-support Indicates whether transaction support is provided by SQLUnit. Setting this to on (the default) will make SQLUnit treat each SQL or CALL as a single unit of work. Turning this to off will make SQLUnit not do any COMMITs or ROLLBACKs, it is left to the client to enforce boundaries of the unit of work by putting COMMIT and ROLLBACK in the SQL or stored procedures. Finally, turning this to implicit will put SQLUnit in auto commit mode, but SQLUnit will not do any explicit COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Transaction boundaries will either by enforced by the database if it supports it, or by the JDBC autocommit mechanism if not. No, defaults to on
reconnect-on-failure Will destroy the current Connection and rebuild it in the event of a test failure or exception. This is needed to work around buggy database drivers which leave the Connection in an inconsistent state in such cases. No, defaults to false
server-name If specified, will override the database server name that is derived from the DatabaseMetaData for the connection. This is used to lookup data types supported by this database. No, defaults to the database server name

Nested Elements

Table 20. Nested Elements for connection

driver Specifies the full Java class name for the JDBC driver. This is needed for building the Connection using JDBC. Yes (JDBC)
url Specifies the JDBC URL to the database Yes (JDBC)
user Specifies the database user who will connect to the database Yes (JDBC)
password Specifies the password for the database user Yes (JDBC)
jarfile-url Specifies a URL (eg. file:///tmp/mydriver.jar) for a JAR file containing a JDBC driver which is not in the CLASSPATH. No (JDBC)
datasource Specifies the name of a DataSource. By convention, this would look something like jdbc:/myDSN, where the DataSource object is actually stored under java:/comp/env/jdbc. This is likely to vary between JNDI servers and sites, so check with your administrator for the DataSource name to use Yes (JNDI)
jndi Empty tag, contains zero or more arg elements containing the name-value pairs to pass in when creating the Initial Naming Context that will be used to look up the DataSource object. These name-value pairs locate the JNDI service. Each arg element will correspond to a line in the jndi.properties file for the given JNDI server. Yes (JNDI)


Specifying a JDBC connection for PostgreSQL


Specifying a JNDI connection with JBoss

     <arg name="java.naming.factory.initial"
       value="org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory" />
     <arg name="java.naming.provider.url" 
       value="jnlp://localhost:1099" />
     <arg name="java.naming.factory.url.pkgs" 
       value="org.jboss.naming" />

The func Tag


The func tag will replace the positional parameters in the SQL string defined in the corresponding funcdef tag, then run it and return a result.


func ::= (EMPTY)


Table 21. Attributes for func

name The name of the func instance. The value returned from the execution of the func element will be available in the SymbolTable as ${func.name_of_func} for later tests in the same suite. Yes
lookup The name of the funcdef element to look up. Yes
connection-id The id of the connection to use, when multiple connections are defined. If not specified, it will use the default connection. No
param0-9 The value for ${0}-${9} in the SQL string, if it exists. Note that if the variable is a string, you must supply the enclosing single quotes to indicate that. This type of query has no indication of the type of parameter being passed to it. No
id The name or number of the sql call No

Nested Elements

Table 22. Nested Elements for func

skip Indicates whether the func should be skipped or not. No
classifiers Allows user to provide classification criteria for the func which SQLUnit can use to decide whether it should run the func or not based on criteria provided to match the classifier. No


Calling a definition without parameters

<func name="databasename" lookup="databasedef" />

Calling a custom function

<func name="mycol" lookup="customdef" param="234" />

The echo Tag


Echoes the specified value to the log. This is mainly used for debugging a test.


echo ::= EMPTY


Table 23. Attributes for echo

name A name for this echo tag Yes, required by the SQLUnit logger
text The text to echo Yes
value Specifies the expected value of text, if used in a test context. Saves caller the trouble of having to manually compare the expected and actual returned values. no

The include Tag


The include tag is used to specify an external file that contains a list of SQL statements that should be executed together. The statements can be separated from one another by a free standing slash (/) or semi-colon character (;) on its own line, or by a line terminated by a semi-colon (;) character.


include ::= (EMPTY)


Table 24. Attributes for include

file Specifies a relative or absolute path name to the file containing the SQL statements. Yes
connection-id When multiple Connections are defined in a SQLUnit test, this attribute is used to select the Connection to use for running the SQL statements. If not specified, SQLUnit will use the default Connection if that is specified. No


Cleanup SQL being included in a teardown tag

   <include file="test/sybase/teardown.sql" />

The result Tag


The result tag allows the test author to specify an expected result from a SQL call or stored procedure. SQLUnit executes the SQL or stored procedure and converts the results into an internal Result object. It will also convert the data supplied in the result tag to an internal Result object, and then compares the two for equality. Values specified in the col nested element of a result element can contain variable names instead of literal values. The variable names will be updated with the values from the internal symbol table. Result tags can also contain an exception element if the call is expected to throw an exception for this particular test. Note that all id attributes of the result and its nested elements start at 1, so as to be consistent with how JDBC resultsets are set up, and minimize confusion between the two representations.


result ::= ((((outparam)*, (updatecount)?, (resultset)*)+ | ((outparam)*, exception))?)


Table 25. Attributes for result

id The id of the result No
echo If set to true, the result will be echoed to the output. The test will be short-circuited and SQLUnit will not attempt to do any matching. This is useful for debugging. Valid values are true and false. No, defaults to false

Nested Elements

Table 26. Nested Elements for result

outparam Zero or more outparam elements may be specified, each representing an output parameter from the stored procedure. An outparam element can contain a resultset element in case of Oracle CURSOR types, or text information in case of non-CURSOR types. No
updatecount Specifies the updatecount that is returned from the SQL or stored procedure call. No.
resultset The resultset tag specifies a single resultset returned from a database call (SQL or stored procedure). A result element can contain one or more resultsets, which in turn will contain one or more rows, which would contain one or more columns. If there are no rows, a resultset can also be empty. No.
exception The exception tag is used to test for expected failures of a stored procedure in response to specific inputs. No. Exception tags can coexist with outparam tags.


A multi-resultset result tag

   <resultset id="1">
     <row id="1">
       <col id="1" name="c1" type="INTEGER">1</col>
       <col id="2" name="c2" type="VARCHAR">Blah</col>
       <col id="3" name="c3" type="INTEGER">3</col>
   <resultset id="2" />
   <resultset id="3" />
   <resultset id="4">
   <row id="1">
       <col id="1" name="ac1" type="INTEGER">1</col>
       <col id="2" name="ac2" type="INTEGER">1</col>
       <col id="3" name="ac3" type="VARCHAR">Unused Blahs</col>
       <col id="4" name="ac4" type="INTEGER">1</col>
       <col id="5" name="ac5" type="VARCHAR">Unused</col>
   <row id="2">
       <col id="1" name="ac1" type="INTEGER">1</col>
       <col id="2" name="ac2" type="INTEGER">1000</col>
       <col id="3" name="ac3" type="VARCHAR">Deprecated Blahs</col>
       <col id="4" name="ac4" type="INTEGER">1</col>
       <col id="5" name="ac5" type="VARCHAR">Deprecated</col>

A result containing an exception

     <message>Test Exception</message>

The methodArgs Tag


A wrapper tag to group together arguments to a method call.


methodArgs ::= ((arg)*)

Nested Elements

Table 27. Nested Elements for methodArgs

arg A tag that specifies the name, type and value of the method argument. One or more arg elements are required.


A methodArgs tag with different argument types

   <arg name="m3" type="java.lang.Integer" value="-2147483648" />
   <arg name="m7" type="java.lang.Double" value="2.2" />
   <arg name="m8" type="java.lang.String" value="Some text" />

The row Tag


Represents a row in a database table returned from a SQL or stored procedure call.


row ::= (col)+


Table 28. Attributes for row

id The row id Yes
partial If true, indicates that child cols are partially specified. Valid values are true and false. Columns will be matched based on the col element's id attribute. No, defaults to false

Nested Elements

Table 29. Nested Elements for row

col A row can have one or more col elements defined within it. Yes


A simple row tag

 <row id="1">
   <col id="1" name="col1" type="INTEGER">1</col>

The param Tag


The param tag is used to specify an argument to a SQL statement or stored procedure, or aggregated into a set of paramset tags for batch calls. The body of the tag contains the value of the parameter.


param ::= (BODY)


Table 30. Attributes for param

id Specifies the sequence number of the parameter to be replaced. The sequence is one-based to keep parity with the JDBC specification. Yes
name Specifies the name of the parameter to be replaced. This has been added for readability to help stored procedure authors/testers to spot errors quickly. No
type Specifies the type of the parameter to be replaced. The type is a String, and has a one to one mapping to the datatypes defined in java.sql.Types. It also allows some additional Oracle specific types specified in net.sourceforge.sqlunit.OracleExtensionTypes. The value of the type is the same as the field name of the member variables in Types or OracleExtensionTypes classes. Thus if the type is Integer, the corresponding SQL type is java.sql.Type.INTEGER, and the string value that should be used here is INTEGER. Yes
scale Specifies the scale of the parameter value if the value maps to a BigDecimalType. This is an optional parameter. SQLUnit will try its best to guess the scale based on the actual value, but this is useful if the value cannot be specified or is NULL. No
typename Specifies the name of a user-defined type. This is an optional parameter. No
is-null If set to true, indicates that this parameter is an SQL NULL value. Valid values are true or false. No, default is false.
inout Specifies whether the parameter is an IN, OUT or INOUT parameter. Valid values are in, out and inout respectively. No, default is in.


A simple param tag definition

 <param id="1" name="v1" type="INTEGER">1</param>

The funcdef Tag


funcdef ::= 


Table 31. Attributes for funcdef

name The name of the function definition. This will be used to call the definition from the func tag. Yes
query The SQL query with numbered replaceable parameters (see example below) which will be called to return the result. Yes
description User Documentation for the function definition. No


Defining call to MySQL built-in function

 <funcdef name="databasedef" query="select DATABASE()"
     description="Returns the current database name" /> 

Defining call to a custom function

 <funcdef name="customdef"
   query="select myCol from myTable where myCol1 = ${0}"
   description="Defines a custom function" /> 

The batchsql Tag


The batchsql tag allows the client to specify a set of non-parameterized SQL statements which need to run in a batch. SQLUnit uses the JDBC batching mechanism to run the set of SQL statements.


batchsql ::= ((stmt)+)


Table 32. Attributes for batchsql

connection-id When multiple Connections are defined in a SQLUnit test, this attribute provides a mechanism for choosing one of the defined Connections to use for running this batch. If a connection-id is not specified, SQLUnit will try to look up a Connection which has no connection-id. No

Nested Elements

Table 33. Nested Elements for batchsql

stmt Contains the SQL statement or stored procedure call in the body of the element One or more stmt elements need to be specified


A typical batchsql call

   <stmt>delete from customer where custId=1</stmt>
   <stmt>insert into customer values(1,'Some One','secret',
   <stmt>insert into customer values(1,'Someone Else','secret',
   <stmt>delete from customer where 1=1</stmt>

The prepare Tag


The prepare tag specifies additional SQL statements that should be run before the test in whose block it appears in. This is used for specifying additional operations that need to happen on a per-test basis, which is not covered in the setup tag.


prepare ::= ((set)*, (sql)*, (foreach)*)

Nested Elements

Table 34. Nested Elements for prepare

set This tag sets values for SQLUnit test variables into the SQLUnit symbol table. No.
sql Identifies one or more SQL statements that should be executed as part of the per-test prepare No.
foreach Specifies a block within a foreach block which is executed as part of the prepare. No.


A foreach tag inside a prepare tag

   <sql><stmt>delete from foreachtest where 1=1</stmt></sql>
   <foreach param="id" start="0" stop="10" step="1">
     <sql><stmt>insert into foreachtest (id,name) values 

The typedef Tag


The typedef tag defines a UTD type name and corresponding Java class name.


typedef ::= (EMPTY)


Table 35. Attributes for typedef

typename name of the UDT as defined in the database Yes
classname name of the fully-qualified Java class Yes


Defining UTD-Java class mappings.

     <typedef typename="MY_SQL_OBJ"
       classname="org.my.stuff.MyClass" />
     <typedef typename="THEIR_SQL_OBJ"
       classname="org.their.things.TheirClass" />

The severity Tag


Allows caller to define various levels of Severity for a test. Valid values are FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO and DEBUG.


severity ::= (BODY)

The paramset Tag


Wrapper tag for one or more param elements.


paramset ::= ((param)+)


Table 36. Attributes for paramset

id Specifies the id of the paramset element. Yes

Nested Elements

Table 37. Nested Elements for paramset

param Specifies argument names and values to be passed into a batchcall call. One or more


A paramset passed into an INSERT batchcall

 <paramset id="1">
   <param id="1" type="INTEGER">1</param>
   <param id="2" type="VARCHAR">Some One</param>

The subdef Tag


The subdef tag is used to define a stored procedure or SQL call. All parameters need to be defined, but some parameters may not have values associated with them. These are plugged in when the actual call is made using the sub tag. This allows test writers to save keystrokes and work at a higher level of abstraction than building the tests manually with stored procedures or SQL calls each time.


subdef ::= ((param)*)


Table 38. Attributes for subdef

name The name of the subroutine definition. This will be used by the sub tag to specify the definition to look up. Yes
query The SQL or stored procedure call with replaceable parameters specified as in the sql or call tags. Yes
description A user-friendly description of the subroutine definition. Used for documentation No
type Specifies whether to treat the SQL as a stored procedure or SQL call when called. Valid values are sql and call. No, defaults to sql

Nested Elements

Table 39. Nested Elements for subdef

param Specifies zero or more parameters that are supplied with the subroutine definition. All parameters that the call requires should be supplied, although some or all the values may remain unspecified. Unspecified values are denoted with a single '?' character in the text of the param element. Zero or more parameters can be specified


A sample subroutine definition

 <subdef name="UpsertStreetDef"
   query="{? = pk_edit_street.upsert_street(?,?)}"
   description="Definition of Upsert Street">
     <param id="1" type="INTEGER" name="rc" inout="out">
 {t}    ${streetId}
     <param id="2" type="VARCHAR" name="street">?</param>
     <param id="3" type="VARCHAR" name="city">SFO</param>

The col Tag


Represents a column of a database table returned from a SQL or stored procedure call.


col ::= (BODY)


Table 40. Attributes for col

id The column id Yes
name The column name No
type The XML name of the data type for the column Yes


A simple column tag

<col id="1" name="col1" type="INTEGER">1</col>

The batchtest Tag


The batchtest tag allows specifying a batch of SQL statements or stored procedure calls that must be executed within a batch. It allows the client to specify the expected number of results, and a point where a failure may be expected. Note that only statements which update data in some way should be specified hre, since the JDBC specification does not allow the returning of resultsets from SQL statements run using the batching feature


batchtest ::= ((skip)?, (classifiers)?, (batchcall | batchsql), batchresult)


Table 41. Attributes for batchtest

name The name of the batch test. THis is used by SQLUnit to print progress messages to its log output Yes
assert Specifies a single or comma-separated assertion that must hold true for the batch test. No, defaults to equal if not specified.
failure-message If specified, SQLUnit will print the user-supplied failure message if the test failed No, default is no failure message
java-object-support If set to true, Java Object Support is enabled for the test No, default is false

Nested Elements

Table 42. Nested Elements for batchtest

skip Indicates whether the func should be skipped or not. No
classifiers Allows user to provide classification criteria for the func which SQLUnit can use to decide whether it should run the func or not based on criteria provided to match the classifier. No
batchcall Specifies the set of batch calls to be made. Either batchcall or batchsql must be specified No, but see Description
batchsql Specifies the set of batch calls to be made. Either batchcall or batchsql must be specified No, but see Description
batchresult Specifies the expected return values from the call Yes


A typical batchtest specification

 <batchtest name="Testing basic batchtest functionality">
     <stmt>delete from customer where custId=1</stmt>
     <stmt>insert into customer values(1,'Some One','secret',
     <stmt>insert into customer values(1,'Someone Else','secret',
     <stmt>delete from customer where 1=1</stmt>

The constructorArgs Tag


Collection of arg elements that need to be passed to the constructor of a specified class whose method needs to be invoked by SQLUnit


constructorArgs ::= ((arg)*)

Nested Elements

Table 43. Nested Elements for constructorArgs

arg Specifies an individual argument One or more


Example of a constructorArgs tag

   <arg name="c1" type="java.lang.Byte" value="-128" />
   <arg name="c2" type="java.lang.Short" value="-32768" />
   <arg name="c3" type="java.lang.Integer" value="-2147483648" />
   <arg name="c5" type="java.lang.Character" value="a" />
   <arg name="c6" type="java.lang.Float" value="1.1" />
   <arg name="c7" type="java.lang.Double" value="2.2" />
   <arg name="c8" type="java.lang.String" value="Some text" />

The batchcall Tag


The batchcall tag allows the SQLUnit client to run a single stored procedure or parameterized SQL with a set of different input arguments. It uses JDBC batching to do this.


batchcall ::= ((stmt), (paramset)+)


Table 44. Attributes for batchcall

connection-id When multiple Connections are defined for a SQLUnit test, this attribute refers to the Connection to use for running this call. If not specified, SQLUnit will try to look up a Connection which has no connection-id attribute specified. No

Nested Elements

Table 45. Nested Elements for batchcall

stmt Contains the SQL statement or stored procedure to call in the body. Yes
param Specifies a set of param elements At least one needs to be provided


A typical batchcall tag

   <stmt>insert into customer values(?,?,?,?,?,?,now())</stmt>
     <paramset id="1">
       <param id="1" type="INTEGER">1</param>
       <param id="2" type="VARCHAR">Some One</param>
       <param id="3" type="VARCHAR">secret</param>
       <param id="4" type="VARCHAR">en_US</param>
       <param id="5" type="VARCHAR">SQLUnit</param>
       <param id="6" type="INTEGER">0</param>
     <paramset id="2">
       <param id="1" type="INTEGER">2</param>
       <param id="2" type="VARCHAR">Someone Else</param>
       <param id="3" type="VARCHAR">secret</param>
       <param id="4" type="VARCHAR">en_US</param>
       <param id="5" type="VARCHAR">SQLUnit</param>
       <param id="6" type="INTEGER">0</param>

The outparam Tag


The outparam tag is used to represent OUT parameters returned as a result of a Stored procedure call. The value is stored in the body text as a String or as a embedded resultset element in case of CURSOR type OUT parameters.


outparam ::= (BODY)|(resultset)|(struct)


Table 46. Attributes for outparam

id The param-id of the outparam parameter. Yes
name The name of the outparam parameter. This is mainly for readability to help stored procedure authors/testers to spot errors quickly. No
type Specifies the type name of the parameter. Yes

Nested Elements

Table 47. Nested Elements for outparam

resultset This is needed only when the type of the OUT parameter is a CURSOR, and specifies the value of the CURSOR outparam. Not if the type is not CURSOR


A outparam with a INTEGER value

 <outparam id="1" type="INTEGER">24</outparam> 

A outparam tag with an embedded CURSOR

 <outparam id="1" type="oracle.CURSOR">
   <resultset id="1">
     <row id="1">
       <col id="1" type="INTEGER">7</col>
       <col id="2" type="VARCHAR">James Bond</col>
       <col id="3" type="VARCHAR">Martini</col>

The typemap Tag


The typemap tag defines mappings of user-defined data types (UDTs) to their corresponding Java classes. These mappings are required for handling all STRUCT type values in the tests that use this connection. This includes nested UDT objects.


typemap ::= (typedef)*

Nested Elements

Table 48. Nested Elements for typemap

typedef A UTD type name and corresponding Java class name. Zero or more


Defining mappings from UTDs to Java classes.

     <typedef typename="MY_SQL_OBJ"
       classname="org.my.stuff.MyClass" />

The test Tag


The test tag specifies the SQL statement or stored procedure that needs to be tested, its input parameters, and the expected output. The tag will be run by SQLUnit to compare the expected results against the actual result.


test ::= ((skip)?, (classifiers)?, (match)*, (prepare)?, ((sql | call | methodinvoker | dynamicsql), result)?)


Table 49. Attributes for test

name Specifies a human-readable name for the test, which will be printed to the log as part of SQLUnit's progress messages. Yes
assert Specifies a single or comma-separated list of assertions that must be true for the test. No, defaults to equal
failure-message Allows the caller to supply an error message which should be displayed if the test failed. No, if not specified, no user message will be displayed.
java-object-support If set to on, indicates that Java Object Support is turned on. Valid values are on and off. No, default is off
expected-duration-millis If specified, specifies that SQLUnit should time the test and fail the test if the test does not complete in the window specified +/- a percentage tolerance if specified, or 10% if not. No
percentage-tolerance If specified with expected-duration-millis, this specifies the percentage tolerance that SQLUnit will put on the expected-duration in order to calculate if the test should fail. No, will default to 10 if expected-duration-millis is specified and percentage-tolerance is not specified.

Nested Elements

Table 50. Nested Elements for test

skip Indicates whether the test should be skipped or not. No
classifiers Allows user to provide classification criteria for the test which SQLUnit can use to decide whether it should run the test or not based on criteria provided to match the classifier. No
match Specifies zero or match elements that should be applied to match the result returned with that specified. No
prepare Specifies SQL setup code that must be run on a per-test basis. No
sql Specifies the SQL statement that must be run for this test. Either one of sql, call, methodinvoker, dynamicsql or sub
call Specifies a stored procedure that must be run for the test. Either one of sql, call, methodinvoker, dynamicsql or sub
methodinvoker Specifies a method that should be invoked for the test. Either one of sql, call, methodinvoker, dynamicsql or sub
dynamicsql Specifies a method which returns a String of dynamic SQL code that should be executed for this test. Either one of sql, call, methodinvoker, dynamicsql or sub
sub Specifies a predefined and partially specified named SQL or stored procedure call Either one of sql, call, methodinvoker, dynamicsql or sub func is required.
result Specifies the expected result from the test. Yes


 <test name="Adding department HR">
     <stmt>select AddDept(?)</stmt>
     <param id="1" type="VARCHAR">Human Resources</param>
     <resultset id="1">
       <row id="1">
         <col id="1" name="adddept" type="INTEGER">

The resultset Tag


Represents a resultset returned from a SQL or stored procedure call.


resultset ::= (row)*


Table 51. Attributes for resultset

id The resultset id Yes
partial If set to true, indicates that rows are partially specified. Valid values are true and false. Rows will be matched based on the row's id attribute. No, defaults to false
rowcount Specifies the number of rows in the resultset. This is specified when the test client wants SQLUnit to only match the number of rows in the resultset, rather than the contents themselves. No
order-by A comma-separated list of column ids on which the rows in the resultset should be sorted. By default, both the resultset returned from the SQL or stored procedure call and the resultset that is specified will be sorted before comparing. The default sorting is by all the specified columns in the order in which they appear. The order-by attribute should be used only if the default sort needs to be overriden, for example, when the SQL or stored procedure returns ordered data. The sort order specified is ASCENDING, unless the column id is prefixed with a negative sign, which will cause it to be sorted in DESCENDING order. Setting order-by to NONE will turn off auto-sorting. No

Nested Elements

Table 52. Nested Elements for resultset

row A resultset can have zero or more row elements No


A simple resultset tag containing a single row

 <resultset id="1">
   <row id="1">
     <col id="1" name="col1" type="INTEGER">1</col>

The match Tag


The match tag specifies a user-defined matching strategy that will be applied instead of the default strategy to check for exact equality between two column values


match ::= ((arg)*)


Table 53. Attributes for match

resultset-id If specified, defines the resultset(s) on which the user- defined matching criteria should be applied. Wildcards may be applied to specify multiple values using a '*', eg. '3*' or '*'. Ranges may be specified using an expression such as '1-2', or enumerations using an expression of the form '1,2,3'. No, defaults to all resultsets if not specified
row-id If specified, defines the row(s) on which the user-defined matching strategy will be applied. Same wildcarding rules as defined in resultset-id apply. No, defaults to all if not specified
col-id If specified, defines the column(s) on which the user-defined matching strategy should be applied. Same wildcarding rules as defined in resultset-id apply. No, defaults to all if not specified
matcher The full class name of the Matcher class that will be used for the user-defined matching. The Matcher class must implement the IMatcher interface and be available in the caller's CLASSPATH Yes

Nested Elements

Table 54. Nested Elements for match

arg Specifies the name and value of the parameters that are needed by the Matcher class, in addition to the actual column values, to compute the match. Zero or more arg elements may need to be specified


Specifying a perccentage matcher with 20% tolerance

 <match col-id="1-2"
   <arg name="pc-tolerance" value="20" />

The field Tag


The field tag is used to describe a field of a user-defined data type (UDT) object returned as a STRUCT type. The returned object is treated as a JavaBean, and the fields are the bean properties. Nested UDT objects can be specified using a struct tag as the body of the field. Fields with null values have NULL as their body.


field ::= (BODY)|(struct)


Table 55. Attributes for field

name name of the field/(bean property) Yes

Nested Elements

Table 56. Nested Elements for field

struct A field whose type is another UDT instead of a 'simple' type is specified by a nested struct tag. Like top-level UDTs, the type and class must be specified in a typedef tag. Zero or one


Returning nested UDTs as STRUCTs.

   <field name="capacity">30</field>
   <field name="handler">     <struct>
       <field name="name">AEF Gripper</field>
       <field name="workLoad">12.5</field>
   <field name="storage">NULL</field>

The sub Tag


The sub tag calls a partially defined stored procedure or SQL call in a preceding subdef tag.


sub ::= 


Table 57. Attributes for sub

lookup Specifies the name of the subdef element to look up. Yes
connection-id The connection-id to use or use the default connection if not specified. No

Nested Elements

Table 58. Nested Elements for sub

subparam Specifies a value for the parameter for the stored procedure or SQL call that was declared in the subdef tag. Lookup is by parameter name. Zero or more


Calling a sub with parameters

 <sub lookup="UpsertStreet">
   <subparam name="street" value="Market Street" />

The exception Tag


Specifies an expected exception with expected error code and message


exception ::= (code)?, (message)?

Nested Elements

Table 59. Nested Elements for exception

code The error code for the expected exception No
message The error message for the expected exception No


An exception declaration

   <message>ERROR: Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique index ux2_employee</message>

The diff Tag


The diff element is used to compare the results of two SQL queries or stored procedure calls. This scenario can be used to the results of a database load or when the results are either too long or unknown at the time the test specification is being written. The two queries/calls can either use the same Connection or use their own dedicated Connection to the same or different databases. The result tag is not specified in case of diff. SQLUnit will internally generate the two Result objects and match them. The default matching is exact equality, but can be overriden by supplying one or more match elements in the diff element. More information on Matching can be found in the User-Defined Matching section


diff ::= ((skip)?, (classifiers)?, (match)*, (prepare)?, (sql|call), (sql|call))


Table 60. Attributes for diff

name The name of the test used by SQLUnit to report progress messages in its log output. Yes
assert Specifies a single assertion or a comma-separated list of assertions which must be true for this diff. No, defaults to equal if not specified
failure-message If specified, SQLUnit will print the user-supplied failure message if the test failed. No
java-object-support If specified, Java Object Support is enabled for the test No, default is false
multi-threaded If set to true, runs the calls in parallel to save time No, default is false (serial execution)

Nested Elements

Table 61. Nested Elements for diff

skip Indicates whether the diff should be skipped or not. No
classifiers Allows user to provide classification criteria for the diff which SQLUnit can use to decide whether it should run the diff or not based on criteria provided to match the classifier. No
match Provides overrides for the matching strategy on a per column basis No
prepare Allows per test setup calls No. Zero or one prepares can be specified.
sql Specifies the SQL statement to execute. Either one of sql or call needs to be specified. Two and only two needs to be specified
call Specifies the stored procedure to execute. Either one of sql or call needs to be specified. Two and only two needs to be specified.


Diff call with multiple match elements

 <diff name="Diffing different resultset/multiple matchers"
     failure-message="Diff test #3 failed">
   <match col-id="1" 
     <arg name="match" value="true" />
   <match col-id="2"
     <arg name="tolerance" value="50" />
   <match col-id="3" 
     <arg name="pc-tolerance" value="10" />
   <sql connection-id="1">
     <stmt>select widget_name, price_per_unit, number_sold from widgets where widget_id=?</stmt>
     <param id="1" type="INTEGER">1</param>
   <sql connection-id="2">
     <stmt>select widget_name, price_per_unit, number_sold from widgets where widget_id=?</stmt>
     <param id="1" type="INTEGER">2</param>

The category Tag


Allows caller to group a test by category


category ::= (BODY)

The arg Tag


Carries argument values and types for the containing element


arg ::= (EMPTY)


Table 62. Attributes for arg

name The name of the argument to be used Yes
value The value of the argument Yes
type The type of the argument No, but required in methodArgs and constructorArgs


Specifying args for jndi

 <arg name="java.naming.factory.initial"
   value="org.jnp.interfaces.NamingFactory" />

Specifying args for methodArgs

   <arg name="col1" type="java.lang.String" value="ABC" />

The sql Tag


The sql tag describes a regular SQL statement (not a stored procedure) with or without replaceable parameters. It can be used to describe a stored function call for databases that support it. It is converted internally to a JDBC PreparedStatement object. SQL specified by the sql statement can return a result with a single resultset or an updatecount.


sql ::= (stmt, (param)*)


Table 63. Attributes for sql

id The name or number of the sql call No
connection-id When multiple Connections are defined in a SQLUnit test, this attribute refers to the Connection to use for running this call. If not specified, SQLUnit tries to look up the default Connection. No

Nested Elements

Table 64. Nested Elements for sql

stmt Specifies the actual SQL statement, with or without replaceable parameters in the body of the tag. Yes
param Occurs once for each replaceable parameter, if specified, for the SQL string. Yes, if there are replaceable parameters in the SQL string.


Example of a simple sql tag

   <stmt>select custId from customer where custId=?</stmt>
   <param id="1" type="INTEGER">1</param>

The dynamicsql Tag


The dynamicsql tag invokes a named method in a named class in order to generate a SQL string dynamically, which is then fed to SQLUnit for testing against a known result. This was included because it is often necessary to test dynamic SQL that is built in response to known conditions, and the results are known, but the actual SQL may not be of interest.


dynamicsql ::= ((constructorArgs)*, (methodArgs)*)


Table 65. Attributes for dynamicsql

static If set to true, specifies that the method is a static method No, default is false (non-static method)
class Specifies the full class name where the method is defined Yes
method Specifies the method name to invoke Yes
id The name or number of the sql call No
connection-id When multiple Connections are defined in a SQLUnit test, this attribute refers to the Connection to use for running this call. If not specified, SQLUnit tries to look up the default Connection. No

Nested Elements

Table 66. Nested Elements for dynamicsql

constructorArgs Wraps a set of arg elements which specify the arguments the constructor for the class will take Not required if this is a static method, or if the class has a default null constructor
methodArgs Wraps a set of arg elements which specify the arguments to pass to the method Not required if the method does not take arguments


A dynamicsql tag that invokes a static method

 <dynamicsql class="net.sourceforge.sqlunit.utils.TestArgument"
   static="true" method="getGeneratedOracleSqlString">